Improve your language skills and connect with others through journaling.


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Three Reasons To Use Journaly

Writing is such a powerful tool for improving your language skills, but it takes effort and is best when you can get feedback. Journaly is a home for your writing and great feedback from fellow language learners!

There are many personal benefits to keeping a journal, and it is one of the most desired positive habits for many people. Journaly supercharges your language learning while helping you get all the benefits of keeping a journal!

Many sites help you find a language exchange partner by simply matching your language interests - but that’s not good enough for us. Journaly helps you find people who also share the same interests as you!

A Delightful Writing Experience

What Journalers are saying

I love that I'm finally keeping up with a journal for the first time in my life! It's so much easier to commit and stick to it when I also feel like I'm doing such wonderful things for my English, and even making new friends along the way!

I've been struggling so badly for so long to find a way to improve things like grammar and speaking more naturally. I love both using the writing process for this and also getting such great feedback from native spearkers.

My favorite feature by far is how easy it is to give and receive comments right where they belong in someone's post. I also love being able to see my statistics - it makes me want to keep helping Chinese learners!